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Mobile 3-D Scanner

COL utilizes the newest in 3-Dimensional imaging technology that makes casting a foot easy and affordable.

Traditional casting has been done with foam impression, STS casts, or Plaster of Paris. When location and time is an issue; 3-D scanning can be quick and efficient. 

100% We accept traditional casting techniques.

There are a  few key differences from traditional casting vs 3-D scanning

* Minimalistic, extremely easy-to-use interface
* Mobile-friendliness, "out-the-box" use
* Free and unlimited casting 
* Subtalor Neutral casting is a little more difficult when casting alone


Other 3-Dimensional Techniques

This product is based upon Sharp Shape scanning technology. The scanner is used as a permanent scanning solution for clinics. Delcam iCUBE can be received by our laboratory as well. Any .STL generated file can be processed with our 3-D correction software.

The scanner is proven to take perfectly precise 3-D images suitable for correction. All scans can be e-mailed with a quicker turn-around time. Verticle Scanners are not meant to be transferred from one clinic to another.

Key differences from traditional casting techniques:
* Extremely easy-to-use interface
* Free and unlimited scans 
* Subtalor Neutral scans
* Proven true 3-D scans for over 20 years
